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May 11, 2006

Other Links:
* iDIDJ: Australian Didjeridu Information and Cultural Resource Centre
* Djalu Gurruwiwi's Website - Rripangu Yirdaki
* Yidakiwuy Dhawu Miwatjngurunydja
* Recordings by Australian Indigenous Artists 1899-1998 [PDF Format]
* Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS)
* Buku-Larrnggay Mulka Centre
* Skinnyfish Music
* Black Mujik
* Yothu Yindi
* White Cockatoo Performing Group
* Yirdaki Making With Djalu Gurruwiwi
* Garma Festival of Traditional Culture
* Aboriginal Studies WWW Virtual Library
* Center For World Indigenous Studies
* More Links...

Stop the Jabiluka Uranium Mine

Didjeridu & Traditional Music of the Top End
The content of this page was originally created by Peter Lister

Didjeridu Home :

1879 Bamboo Didjeridu

"This specimen was collected in northern Australia in 1879, that is, before the word 'didjeridu' was in circulation. In the first written report on this instrument, seen at Raffles Bay, Coburg Peninsula, the Aboriginal name for a small bamboo tube was given as ebroo (TB Wilson, Narrative of a Voyage Round the World, 1835). Measurements: Length 115 cm. Proximal end - external diameter: 3.9 cm. Distal end - external diameter: 5 cm. (Photograph by courtesy of the Museum fur Volkerkunde, Berlin. Cat. No. VI 2277)" (Moyle, 1978).

Way, ngarra dhuwala balanda dirramu ga yaaku Peter ga ngarra ga yolnguwa romgu ga mathawa ga manikaygu marnggithirri. Dhuwalanydja waanga (website) balandawa marnggithinyarawa yolnguwa walngawa, romgu ga manikaygu. Ngarra djaal balandawa walala marnggithirri yolnguwala maarr ga bukmak Yolngu ga Balanda rrambangi djaamamirri.
(Hi, my name is Peter and I'm a balanda man learning about yolngu law, language and song. These pages are for balanda to learn about some facets of yolngu life, law and song, so that balanda will better understand yolngu and we can work and live together.) 




Copyright 2002-2006 J.H. Burrows and Peter Lister