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Didjeridu & Traditional Music of the Top End
The content of this page was originally created by Peter Lister

Didjeridu Home : Bibliography

The following publications have been consulted and/or used as a reference during the preparation of these pages. Much of this material has been published in recent years, the initial research and the publishing of the findings having been initiated and sanctioned by Aboriginal communities. Please also note that in many instances the publishers themselves are Aboriginal communities and organisations.

The author of these pages is therefore not in breach of the proposed Indigenous Cultural and Intellectual Property (ICIP) policy recently adopted by ATSIC.

Aboriginal Communities of the Northern Territory, (1993) Traditional Aboriginal Medicines in the Northern Territory of Australia, Conservation Commission of the Northern Territory of Australia, Darwin.

Altman, JC (1987) Hunter-Gatherers Today, an Aboriginal economy in north Australia, AIAS, Canberra. ISBN 0 85575 176 2.

Baker, R (1993) Traditional Aboriginal land use in the Borroloola Region, in Williams, NM & Baines, G (1993) Traditional Ecological Knowledge: Wisdom for Sustainable Development, based on the Traditional Ecological Knowledge Workshop, Centre for Resource and Environmental Studies, Australian National University, Canberra 18-29 April 1988.

Barwick, L; Marett, A & Tunstill, G. [Ed.s] (1995) The Essence of Singing and the Substance of Song. Oceania Monograph 46. ISBN 086758 994 9.

Beaton, JM (1982) Fire and Water: Aspects of Australian Aboriginal Management of Cycads, Archaeology in Oceania 17, pp. 51-58., Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies, Canberra.

Berndt, RM (1976) Three Faces of Love, Traditional Aboriginal song-poetry, Nelson. ISBN 0 17 005108 0.

Berndt, RM & Berndt, CH (1977) The World of the First Australians, Ure Smith, First published in 1964. ISBN 0 7254 0272 5.

Bomford, M & Caughley, J [Ed.s] (1996) Sustainable Use of Wildlife by Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islanders, Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra. ISBN 0 644 36043 7.

Brokensha, P. (1978) The Pitjantjatjara and their crafts. Aboriginal Arts Board Australia Council, Sydney. ISBN 0 642 93529 7.

Bryce, S. (1983) The role of bush tucker in nutrition education. In: O’Dea, K. (ed.) Proc. of Aboriginal Bushfoods Workshop, p. 20-23.

Buku-Larrngay Mulka Centre (1999) Saltwater: Yirrkala Bark Paintings of Sea Country. Buku-Larrnggay Mulka Centre / Jennifer Isaacs Publishing. ISBN 0 646 377027

Caruana, W & Lendon, N [Eds] (1997) The Painters of the Wagilag Sisters Story 1937-1997, National Gallery of Australia. Catalogue of exhibition held in Canberra 13th Sept. - 23rd Nov. 1997. ISBN 0 642 13068 X.

Cawte, J (1993) The universe of the Warramirri: Art, medicine and religion in Arnhem Land. NSW University Press. ISBN 0 86840 013 0.

Cawte, J. (1996) Healers of Arnhem Land, University of New South Wales Press. ISBN 0 86840 351 2.

Chaloupka, G (1993) Journey in Time: The Worlds Longest Continuing Art Tradition; the 50 000 year story of the Australian Aboriginal Rock Art of Arnhem Land, Reed. ISBN 0 7301 0310 2.

Chaseling, WS (1957) Yulengor, Nomads of Arnhem Land, The Epworth press, London.

Corn, A (1999) Dreamtime Wisdom - Modern Time Vision. The Aboriginal Acculturation of Popular Music in Arnhem land, Australia. North Australia Research Unit Discussion Paper No. 13/1999. ISBN 0 7315 3383 6.

Dewar, M (1995) The 'Black War' in Arnhem Land. Missionaries and the Yolngu 1908-1940. The Australian National University North Australia Research Unit, Darwin. ISBN 0 7315 1427 0.

Eckert, P. and J. Hudson. (1988) Wangka Wiru: A handbook for the Pitjantjatjara language learner. Univ. of South Australia, Adelaide.

Elkin, AP (1979) The Australian Aborigines, Angus & Robertson, Sydney. First published 1938. ISBN 0 207 1 3733 (paperback), ISBN 0 207 1 3863 X (Hardback).

Flood, J (1990) The Riches of Ancient Australia, University of Queensland Press. ISBN 0 7022 2259 3.

Goddard, C. (1992) Pitjantjatjara/Yankunytjatjara to English Dictionary. Institute for Aboriginal Development, Alice Springs, NT.

Hamby, L [Ed.] (1994) Fibre Art from Elcho Island, Catalogue of an Exhibition St George Campus, Uni. of NSW.

Heath, J. (1980) Dhuwal (Arnhem Land) Texts on Kinship and other subjects with grammatical sketch and dictionary. Oceania Linguistic Monograph 23.

Hiatt, B. (1978) Woman the gatherer. In: F. Gale, Woman’s role in Aboriginal society (ed.), Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies, Canberra.

Hiatt, L., McKenzie, K., Ngurrabangurraba, B., Meehan, B. & Jones, R. (2002) People of the Rivermouth: The Joborr Texts of Frank Gurrmanamana, Aboriginal Studies Press & National Museum of Australia, Canberra. ISBN 1 876944 08 0. Book and CD-ROM

Horton, D (gen. Ed.) (1994) The Encyclopaedia of Aboriginal Australia, Volumes 1 & 2, Aboriginal Studies Press for the Australian Institute for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS), Canberra. ISBN 0 85575 234 3.

Institute for Aboriginal Development (IAD); Kalotas, A and Goddard, C, editors, (1985) Punu, Yankunytjatjara Plant Use. Traditional Methods of Preparing Foods, Medicines, Utensils and Weapons from Native Plants, Angus and Robertson Publishers.

Isaacs, J. (1987) Bush food. Aboriginal Food and Herbal Medicine, Weldons, Sydney. ISBN 0 949708 33 X.

Isaacs, J (1995) Wandjuk Marika Life Story. University of Queensland Press. ISBN 0 7022 2564 9.

Johnson D. (1998) Night Skies of Aboriginal Australia: A Noctuary, Oceania Mongraph 47, University of Sydney. ISSN 10306412, ISBN 1 86451 356 X.

Keen, I (1994) Knowledge and Secrecy in an Aboriginal Religion: Yolngu of North-East Arnhem Land, Oxford Uni. Press. ISBN 0 19 550752 5.

Kimber, RG (1977) Australian Desert Aboriginals Today, Aboriginal Arts & Crafts Pty Ltd.

Levitt, D (1981) Plants and People, Aboriginal Uses of Plants on Groote Eylandt, Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies, Canberra

Lampert, RJ & Sanders, F (1973) Plants and Men on the Beecroft Peninsula, New South Wales, Mankind Vol. 9 No. 2, pp 96-108.

Latz, P (1995) Bushfires and bushtucker: Aboriginal Plant Use in Central Australia, IAD Press, Alice Springs ISBN 0 949659 83 5.

Macknight, CC (1976) The Voyage to Marege' : Macassan trepangers in northern Australia. Melbourne University Press. ISBN 0 522 84088 4.

Meehan, B (1982) Shell Bed to Shell Midden, Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies, Canberra. ISBN 0 391 02243 1 (hard cover); 0 391 02244 X (soft cover).

Meggitt, M.J. (1962). Desert People: A study of the Walbiri Aborigines of Central Australia. Angus and Robertson Publishers, Australia. ISBN 0 207 13005 1.

Morphy, H & Jones, R (1978) Eastern Arnhem Land Aboriginals Today, Aboriginal Arts & Crafts Pty Ltd

Morphy, H (1984) Journey to the Crocodiles' Nest; An accompanying monograph to the film Madarrpa Funeral at Gurka'wuy, AIAS new series no. 44, AIAS, Canberra. ISBN 0 85575 148 7.

Morphy, H (1991) Ancestral Connections, Art and an Aboriginal System of Knowledge, University of Chicago Press.

Morphy, H (1998) Aboriginal Art, Phaidon Press Ltd, London

Moyle, AM. (1978) Aboriginal Sound Instruments, Companion booklet for a 12-inch LP Disc, Cat. no. AIAS/14, produced by the Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies, Canberra. ISBN 0 85575 072 3.

Moyle, AM [Ed.] (1992) Music and Dance in Aboriginal Australia and the South Pacific. Oceania Monograph 41. ISBN 0 86758 575 7.

Moyle, R.M. (1979) Songs of the Pintupi: Musical life in a central Australian society. Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies, Canberra.

Moyle, RM & Morton, S (1986) Alyawarra Music: Songs and society in a central Australian community, AIS new series no. 48. Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies, Canberra. ISBN 0 85575 140 1 [with accompanying 7" audio disc]

Mulvaney, J & Kamminga, J (1999) Prehistory of Australia, Allen & Unwin, Sydney. ISBN 1 86448 950 2.

Munn, N (1973) Walbiri Iconography, Graphic Representation and Cultural Symbolism in a Central Australian Society, Cornell University Press. ISBN 0-8014-0739-7.

Murphy, B [Ed] (2000) The Native Born: Objects and representations from Ramingining, Arnhem Land. Museum of Contemporary Art in association with Bula'bula Arts, Ramingining. ISBN 1 875632 44 1

Nganyintja. (1985) Mayi Wiru, Part 1, Winter foods. Angatja Video in association with Riverbed Productions, South Australia.

Oates, WJ & Oates, LF [Eds] (1970) A Revised Linguistic Survey of Australia, Australian Aboriginal Studies No. 33, Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies, Canberra. ISBN 0 085575 010 3.

Peterson, N (1968) The Pestle and Mortar: An Ethnographic Analogy for Archaeology in Arnhem Land, Mankind, Vol 6 No. 11, pp. 567-570.

Proctor Wiseman, J (1996) Thomsontime: Arnhem Land in the 1930's, a photographic essay, Museum of Victoria. ISBN 0 7306 2509 5.

Rose, DB [Ed.] (1995) Country in Flames. Proceedings of the 1994 symposium on biodiversity and fire in North Australia. Biodiversity Series, Paper No. 3, Biodiversity Unit, Dept. of Environment, Sport and Territories & the North Australia Research Unit, The Australian National University. ISBN 07315 2133 1.

Rose, DB & Clarke, AF [Ed.s] (1997) Tracking Knowledge in North Australian landscapes: studies in indigenous and settler ecological knowledge systems. North Australia Research Unit, School of Pacific and Asian Studies, The Australian National University, Canberra & Darwin. ISBN 0 7315 2883 2.

Ryan, J. (no date) Spirit in Land: Bark Paintings from Arnhem Land. National Gallery of Victoria. ISBN 0-7241-0147-0

Simpson, C (1956) Adam in Ochre, Angus-Robertson, Sydney. First published 1951.

Smith, NM., Wightman GM (1990) Ethnobotanical Notes from Belyuen, Northern Territory, Australia, Northern Territory Botanical Bulletin No. 10, Conservation Commission of the Northern Territory.

Thomson, DF (1948) Arnhem Land: Explorations among an unkown people. Part 1. The Journey to Bennet Bay. The Geographical Journal, CXII, pp. 146-164

Thomson, DF (1949) Arnhem Land: Explorations among an unkown people. Part II. The People of Blue Mud Bay. The Geographical Journal, CXIII, pp. 1-8

Thomson, DF (1949) Arnhem Land: Explorations among an unkown people. Part III. On Foot Across Arnhem Land. The Geographical Journal, CXIV, pp. 53-67

Thomson, DF (1949) Economic Structure and the Ceremonial Exchange Cycle in Arnhem Land. Macmillan & Co., Melb.

Thomson, DF (1983) Donald Thomson in Arnhem Land, compiled and introduced by Nicolas Peterson. Currey O'Neil Ross Pty Ltd. ISBN 0 85902 097 5.

Waddy, JA (1988) Classification of Plants & Animals from a Groote Eylandt Aboriginal Point of View. Volumes 1 & 2. Australian National University North Australia Research Unit Monograph, Darwin. ISBN 0 7315 0312 0.

Warner, WL (1937) A Black Civilization: A social study of an Australian tribe.

Watson, H and the Yolngu community at Yirrkala & Wade Chambers, D (1989) Singing the Land, Signing the Land. A portfolio of exhibits, Deakin University, ISBN 0 7300 0696 4.

Webb, L (1969) The Use of Plant Medicines and Poisons by Australian Aborigines, Mankind, Vol 7 No. 2, pp. 137-146.

Wells, A (1963) Milingimbi, Ten Years in the Crocodile Islands of Arnhem Land. Angus-Robertson, Sydney.

Wightman, G., Jackson D., & Williams L (1990?) Alawa Ethnobotany, Aboriginal Plant Use from Minyerri, Northern Australia, Northern Territory Botanical Bulletin No. 11, Conservation Commission of the Northern Territory.

Williams, NM (1986) The Yolngu and their Land: A System of Land Tenure and the Fight for its Recognition, Stamford Uni. Press. ISBN 0-8047-1306-5.

Williams, NM & Baines, G (1993) Traditional Ecological Knowledge: Wisdom for Sustainable Development, based on the Traditional Ecological Knowledge Workshop, Centre for Resource and Environmental Studies, Australian National University, Canberra 18-29 April 1988.

White, N & Meehan, B (1993) Traditional ecological knowledge: a lens on time, in Williams, NM & Baines, G (1993) Traditional Ecological Knowledge: Wisdom for Sustainable Development, based on the Traditional Ecological Knowledge Workshop, Centre for Resource and Environmental Studies, Australian National University, Canberra 18-29 April 1988.

Yunupingu, B; Yunupingu-Marika, L; Marika, D; Marika, B; Marika, B; Marika, R & Wightman, G (1995) Rirratjingu Ethnobotany: Aboriginal Plant Use from Yirrkala, Arnhem Land, Australia. Northern Territory Botanical Bulletin No. 21, Parks & Wildlife Commission of the Northern Territory. ISBN 0 7245 2887 3.

Zorc, RD (1986) Yolngu-Matha Dictionary. Batchelor College.


Copyright 2002-2006 J.H. Burrows and Peter Lister