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Didjeridu & Traditional Music of the Top End
The content of this page was originally created by Peter Lister

Didjeridu Home : References to Traditional Aboriginal Music withh Didjeridu

References to traditional Aboriginal music with didjeridu

Berndt, RM (1976) Three Faces of Love, Traditional Aboriginal song-poetry, Nelson. ISBN 0 17 005108 0.

Berndt, RM & Berndt, CH (1977) The World of the First Australians, Ure Smith, First published in 1964. ISBN 0 7254 0272 5.

Clunies Ross, M & Wild, SA (1984) Formal Performance: The Relations of Music, Text and Dance in Arnhem Land Clan Songs, Ethnomusicology Vol 28 No 2, pp 209 - 235.

Clunies Ross, M & Mundrugmundrug, J (1988) Goyulan the Morning Star: An Aboriginal Clan Song Series from North Central Arnhem Land. A companion booklet to the cassette 'Goyulan the Morning Star'. ISBN 0 85575 206 8.

Clunies Ross, M (1990) Some Anbarra Songs, pp 73-103; In Dixon, RMW & Duwell, M (Ed.s) The honey ant men's love song and other Aboriginal song poems., University of Queensalnd Press. ISBN 0 7022 2278 X.

Elkin, AP (1979) The Australian Aborigines, (Fully Revised Edition) Angus & Robertson, Sydney. First published 1938. ISBN 0 207 1 3733 (paperback), ISBN 0 207 1 3863 X (Hardback).

Elkin, AP (1953) Arnhem Land Music, Oceania Vol 24 No 2, pp 81-109.

Elkin, AP (1956) Arnhem Land Music, Oceania Vol. 26 No 3, pp 213-230.

Elkin, AP (1957) Arnhem Land: Authentic Australian Aboriginal Songs and Dances, 3 LP's cover notes.

Garde, M (1997) The Didjeridu in Maningrida, Bawinanga Aboriginal Corporation.

Horton, D (gen. Ed.) (1994) The Encyclopaedia of Aboriginal Australia, Volumes 1 & 2, Aboriginal Studies Press for the Australian Institute for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS), Canberra. ISBN 0 85575 234 3.

Jones, TA (1956) Arnhem Land Music, Part 11. A Musical Survey, Oceania, Vol 26 No 4, pp 252-339.

Jones, TA (1957) Arnhem Land Music, Part 11. A Musical Survey (continued), Oceania, Vol 28 No 1, pp 1-30.

Jones, TA (1967) The didjeridu, Some comparisons of its Typology and Musical Function with Similar Instruments throughout the World;  In Studies in Music. pp 23-55, University of WA.

Jones, TA (1973, 78) The Yiraki (Didjeridu) in North-Eastern Arnhem Land: Techniques and Styles pp 269-274; In The Australian Aboriginal heritage: An Introduction through the Arts, Edited by Ronald M Berndt and ES Phillips, Australian Association for Education through the Arts in association with Ure Smith, Sydney.

Keen, I (1994) Knowledge and Secrecy in an Aboriginal Religion: Yolngu of North-East Arnhem Land, Oxford Uni. Press. ISBN 0 19 550752 5.

Knopoff, S (1997) Chapter 4, Accompanying the Dreaming: Determinants of Style in Traditional and Popular Yolngu Song, pp 39-67; In The Didjeridu: From Arnhem land to Internet Neuenfeldt, K, [Ed.], ISBN 1 86462 003 X Paperback, ISBN 1 86462 004 8 Hardback, John Libbey & Company P/L and Perfect Beat Publications.

Morphy, H & Jones, R (1978) Eastern Arnhem Land Aboriginals Today, Aboriginal Arts & Crafts Pty Ltd

Morphy, H (1991) Ancestral Connections, Art and an Aboriginal System of Knowledge, University of Chicago Press. ISBN 0-226-53866-4 (pbk).

Morphy, H (1998) Aboriginal Art, Phaidon Press Ltd, London ISBN 0 7148 3752 0.

Moyle, AM. (1978) Companion booklet for a 12-inch LP Disc, Aboriginal Sound Instruments, Cat. no. AIAS/14, produced by the Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies, Canberra. ISBN 0 85575 072 3.

Moyle, AM. (1977) Companion booklet for a 12-inch LP Disc, Songs from the Kimberleys, Cat. no. AIAS/13, produced by the Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies, Canberra.

Moyle, AM (1981) The Australian didjerdu: A late musical intrusion, World Archaeology, Vol. 12 No. 3, Musical Instruments, pp. 321-331.

Stubington, J (1979) North Australian Aboriginal Music; In Australian Aboriginal Music, Ed. by Jennifer Isaacs, Aboriginal Artists Agency, Sydney, p. 7-19.

Turner, DH (1997) Afterlife Before Genesis An Introduction: Accessing the Eternal through Australian Aboriginal Music., Toronto Studies in Religion 22, Lang. ISBN 0-8204-3477-9.

Turner, D (1999) Genesis Regained: Aboriginal Forms of Renunciation in Judeo-Christian Scriptures and Other Major Traditions. Toronto Studies in Religion Vol. 25, Peter Land Publishing Inc. New York. ISBN 0-8204-4404-9

Wiggins, GC (1988) The physics of the didgeridoo, Physics Bulletin, Vol 39 #7, July 1988, p. 267.

Wild, SA (1986) ROM An Aboriginal Ritual of Diplomacy, AIAS Canberra. ISBN 0 85575 162 2.

Full references for Lister's Pages.



Copyright 2002-2006 J.H. Burrows and Peter Lister