From the Northern Territory 4: Aboriginal Music
From North-Eastern Arnhem Land Including Groote
Eylandt |
Moyle |
Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Studies (AIATSIS): AIAS 4 CD |
CD |
1963; Released 1997 |
Notes: For
the purpose of music description, Eastern Arnhem Land of the
Northern Territory is divided here as follows: the north-eastern
sector including offshore islands; the eastern sector, extending
along the coast as far south as the Roper River; and the Groote
Eylandt archipelago north-west of the Gulf of Carpentaria.
recordings reproduced on this compact disc were collected
at Milingimbi and Yirrkala in the north-eastern sector and
at Angurugu and Umbakumba on Groote Eylandt.
The Aboriginal
communities at Milingimbi and Yirrkala, together with the
people at Galiwin'ku (previously known as Elcho Island) have
been referred to in the anthropological literature as the
Murngin (WL Warner) and Wulamba (RM Berndt). More recently,
they have become known as the Yolngu, from a local word meaning
The people
on Groote Eylandt were known by mainland groups as the Wayingurra
and their language, Ingurra. In the absence of a name for
the Groote Eylandters, Warnindilyakwa, a name formerly given
to one of the larger clans on the island, is sometimes used.
Anindilyakwa is the name of the island language.
Item characteristics
of Eastern Arnhem Land clan songs performed and recorded in
the 1960s-all of which were sung by men-are summarised here
as follows: (1) a didjeridu accompaniment which utilises two
tones differing widely in pitch (the interval between the
higher or overblown tone and the fundamental often sounding
close to a tenth but varying according to the shape and length
of the hollowed branch); (2) a narrow vocal range of pitch
(compare them, for instance, with Western Arnhem Land songs)
which rarely exceeds a fifth or sixth and may be less than
a second; (3) song words which are translatable, meaningful
and appropriate to relevant clan territories and related myths;
and (4) the occurrence of an unaccompanied vocal termination
(UVT), or termination of a song item by voice or voices alone
after the accompanying instruments have ceased. Good examples
of this fourth item characteristic are to be heard on this
disc (Track 1) and disc 3 (Track
Song refrains
may consist of repeated strings of words and syllables, a
prolonged single syllable or a repeated pattern of vocal sounds
(for example, bird calls). These calls are incorporated into
the particular sectional or phraselike structure of many item
sequences performed in Eastern Arnhem Land.
On Groote
Eylandt (tracks 7-13), only the first three of the above characteristics
are to be heard. There is no occurrence of the UVT in these
items but the following additional characteristics distinguish
emeba (Groote Eylandt clan songs) from manikay (north-eastern
Arnhem Land clan songs):
- the
shaky voice, a deliberate manner of vocal ornamentation
used by some emeba singers;
- the
break or brief cessation of the vocal part of a Groote Eylandt
clan song which is signalled by certain words the singer
chooses to sing (the song subject at this point may fall,
swoop down, or change abruptly in some way-it was said that
the break gives the singer time to decide which words to
sing next);
- a
short, patterned interplay between sticks and didjeridu
during the break; and
- the
general clatter of stick-beating percussion arising from
several different sources at the same time.
comparison of emeba and manikay reveals that, whereas the
durations of the latter are usually about one minute or less,
emeba items may last for more than two minutes each.
Track Number |
Title |
Track Time |
Notes |
Clouds (i-ii); (b) North Wind (i-ii); (c) White Cockatoo
(i-ii); (d) Brown Hawk (i-ii); (e) Emu sung by Djawa with
Dhalnganda (didjeridu) (Milingimbi 1963) |
0:07:10 |
by: Dhalnganda. The song session performed by Djawa (b.
1905) has been reproduced here almost in its entirety.
The singer was also a leading dancer and bark-painter.
His clear enunciation and authorative singing style will
be noted. Dhalnganda (b. 1927), a GaIpu man of the opposite
moiety (Dhuwa) was his didjeridu accompanist. Items in
this series would be sung during a Hollow Log ceremony,
Djalambu, one of the final acts in Yirritja mourning rites.
Some of the Warramiri words in Djawa's items for Clouds
(mangan) and North Wind (dirrmala), are similar to those
in the North Wind song by the woman Bambay (disc
3, Track 3a). The clouds which send the north wind
rise from the water full of rain. The screeching White
Cockatoo (dan-gi) is 'not afraid of anything', and Brown
Hawk (wopulu) hunts in 'white man's country' looking for
fish offal. In the Emu (wurrpan) song, reference is made
to the bird as the maker of spears, 'because he walks
on spears'. |
White Cockatoo; (b) White Stork (i-ii) sung by Bongawuy
with Darringguwuy (didjeridu) (Milingimbi 1962) |
0:01:00 |
by: Darringguwuy. At the time these recordings were made,
Bongawuy (b. 1922), a leading clan singer, performed frequently
at Milingimbi during song ceremonies connected with the
Gupapuyngu (Yirritja moiety) group. Despite differences
in the song words there can be little doubt that, compared
with Djawa's items (Track 1c), Bongawuy's White Cockatoo
is intended to be melodically similar. According to the
words of the first item in this second track, White Cockatoo
(dan-gi) likes the south wind because it 'ruffles his
feathers and blows his comb over'. White Stork (gananhdharr)
is about the Yirritja stork (white) and the Dhuwa stork
(black) who stood together in the water looking for fish.
It will be noted that the style adopted by his didjeridu
accompanist, Darringguwuy (b. 1925), changes markedly
in Track 2b where the upfigure, a quick slur from lower
tone to upper, is liberally used. |
Nalpa (i-iii); (b) Wilata (i-ii) sung by Mutpu, Buramin
and Bunbatjiwuy with Durmarriny (didjeridu) (Milingimbi
1962) |
0:05:05 |
by: Durmarriny. This Dhuwa sequence of three Nalpa (black
sea bird or plover) items, performed by a small group
of men, was led by Mutpu (b. 1924) who sang the first
item alone. Song representations of bird chatter are among
the repeated words in these items; also the call of the
Melville Island friar-bird (wilata), as it dances to the
sounds (ye-e-e gitja). Successive vocal entries into these
song items produce a polyphonic effect. |
Words For Track 1c White Cockatoo and 1e Emu Song spoken
by Gungupun (Milingimbi 1963) |
0:01:01 |
Seagull (i-iv) sung by Mathaman with Milirrpum (b) Didjeridu
only, played by Milirrpum (Yirrkala 1962) |
0:04:14 |
by: Milirrpum. Track 5a: Recorded at Yirrkala in 1962,
Mathaman (b. 1920) of the Rirratjingu-speaking clan sang
four items associated with his clan's territory and with
Seagull (djarrak). Numerous place names in the region
are among the song words for these items. In the third
item, where there are more than 10 place names, the significance
of this is musically apparent. The singer adopts here
a recitative style, beating his song sticks at a faster
rate, while the didjeridu player, Milirrpum (b. 1927),
produces slow, uniform sounds like the tolling of a bell
(compare this with the didjeridu in discs
1 (Track 8) and 3 Track
2). The singer then proceeds-without a break-into the
contrasting tune of the fourth item in which the names
of both Seagull and East Wind (compare this with Mawalan's
songs, disc 3, tracks 6-13)
are enunciated. Track 5b: The finger tapping against the
wooden tube in Milirrpum's didjeridu demonstration is
clearly audible in this track. |
'Makassan' song words spoken by Mawalan (Yirrkala 1962);
(b) Djatpangarri: Butterfly sung by Galarrwuy with Mulung;
(c) Djatpangarri: Cora sung by Galarrwuy with Mulung;
(d) Wandjuk talks about the ship, Cora (Yirrkala 1963) |
0:03:22 |
by: Wandjuk Marika. Track 6a: Heard here is the speaker's
recollection of an incantation believed to have been chanted
or recited by Makassan fishermen prior to their annual
departure from north Australian shores many years ago.
These words were interpreted as having been sung by the
Makassans 'as they pulled the mast from the boat and put
it on the deck'. They then took up the anchor in readiness
for their homeward voyage. Track 6b and 6c: Galarrwuy
(b. 1948) sings here two samples of Djatpangarri, a type
of dance song popular with young Yolngu men. (See also
disc 3, Track 12.) The first
item which consists only of formalised dance words, was
called Butterfly (bonba). The second which refers to the
Cora, the delayed supply boat, is explained in Track 6d
below by Wandjuk (b. 1927) who was Galarrwuy's didjeridu
accompanist for this recording. Track 6d: Wandjuk talks
about the song, Cora as follows: That song is Cora. The
same man, Dambijawa, made that song because we were waiting
for such a long time for our cargo to bring in from Brisbane
to Melville Bay. And that why he worry. And then he made
up song. |
(i-ii) sung by Nanggabirrima with Bayema (didjeridu) (Angurugu,
Groote Eylandt 1962) |
0:03:41 |
by: Bayema. Many emeba singers used the shaky voice style
at the time these recordings were made. It was said that
this can make the throat itchy and that younger singers
sometimes had difficulty in maintaining it. Nanggabirrima
(b. 1910), singer of Sea Eagle (yinungwakarda), was singled
out as one capable of 'doing that mamura (voice) all the
time'. The break in this item occurs just after Nanggabirrima
sings of this bird's swoop down to the sea for a catch.
The didjeridu player, Bayema (b. 1929), changes his drone-style
at this point and performs, in combination with the singer's
stick beats, a short interlude in which the upper tone
is heard in the item for the first time. Notable in Nanggabirrima's
second Eagle item is the gradual rise in vocal pitch,
an idiosyncrasy observed in other performances by this
same singer. See notes below. |
Stingray sung by Nanggalilya with Negabanda (didjeridu);
(b) Curlew sung by Nagulabena (Gula) with Nanigila (didjeridu)
(Angurugu, Groote Eylandt 1962) |
0:04:33 |
by: Negabanda & Nanigila. Track 8a: Round Stingray (yimaduwaya)
was recorded at the Bagot Reserve near Darwin where the
Groote Eylandt singer Nanggalilya (b. 1937) was temporarily
living. The slow, gliding tune with its unusually wide
compass was known on the island as New Stingray. It was
composed by Nagulabena (Gula), leading singer of the Warnungwamadada
clan to which Nanggalilya also belonged. The fathers of
the two men were brothers. The words of the continuing
refrain nawerruwerrukwayinamurra kwija Arrindingmanja
yangi ('see them pass one another at Arrinding' (JS))
refer to a place on the Angurugu River shared by the stingrays
with Sawfish who carved out the river. Track 8b: Like
the Stingray song, Curlew (duwalya), sung by its owner
Gula (b. 1925), has a repetitious verbal refrain. Its
stylised melody had been previously used, it was said,
for a song in the Nunggubuyu language. A leaping didjeridu
accompaniment continues throughout and the break occurs
after the words ngarningka numerrumungkwada waruma ('the
tops of their wings are twisted again' (JS)). See notes
below. |
Dugong sung by Nangarunga with Muganga (didjeridu); (b)
Night sung by Man-gwida with India (didjeridu) (Umbakumba,
Groote Eylandt 1962) |
0:03:19 |
by: Muganga & India. Track 9a: Nangarunga (b. 1933) sings
Dugong (dfinungkwulangwa) to a tune composed by Wanaya
(see Track 10). The words are about Dugong following the
tide and making the water muddy as he feeds in the shallows.
Track 9b: Night (marringa) is sung here by Man-gwida (b.
1924). His song refers to the coming of Night which gradually
spreads and 'covers us like a blanket'. The tune was made
by Man-gwida's brother. The singer's 'shaky voice' style
is pronounced. It will be noticed that the didjeridu accompaniment
continues for some time after the voice has stopped. At
the conclusion of the original recording, the player laughed
saying he 'didn't know how to make it stop'. See notes
below. |
Seaweed sung by Wanaya with Nanigila (didjeridu); (b)
West Wind sung by Wanaya with Nanigila (didjeridu); (c)
Didjeridu only by Nanigila; (d) Aeroplane sung by Murrbuda
with Nanbungwa; (e) Didjeridu only by Nanbungwa (Angurugu,
Groote Eylandt 1963) |
0:04:40 |
by: Nanigila & Nanbungwa. Track 10a: Unlike the majority
of Groote Eylandt singers, who sang with their heads down,
Wanaya (b. 1916) sang with his head up, turning it from
side to side, his 'shaky voice' sounding well above the
rest. The words of Seaweed (marrakwa) contain a description
of a piece of black tree coral dragging backwards and
forwards in the tide, the midsong break occurring when
it becomes buried in the sand. Track 10b: The subject
of this song is West Wind (yinungkwura), the monsoonal
wind which brings the clouds and ushers in the wet season.
During Wanaya's singing of this item, percussive beats
came from four different sources: two men with paired
sticks seated near the singer, the leading singer himself
and the didjeridu player beating a small stick against
the tube of his instrument. On this occasion the distal
end of the didjeridu (yiraga) was placed in a wooden box.
Occasionally a bucket was used. Formerly a bailer shell
served the purpose. Track 10c: The didjeridu accompaniment
played by Nanigila (b. 1934) demonstrates a pattern with
three stick beats to each duple swing of the didjeridu
rhythm. The instrumental change brought about by the song's
break is also heard here. Track 10d: Aeroplane is sung
by Murrbuda (b. 1934) to his own tune. The song tells
of an aeroplane climbing in the sky and travelling fast.
Two aeroplanes are seen. They separate and fly off and
these words signal the formal break by the singer. It
should be noted here that the refrain word gabala (kabala)
occurs in a Yolngu song, Ship (disc
3, Track 10), where it has also been translated as
'boat'. Track 10e: In the short didjeridu demonstration
which concludes this group, Nanbungwa (b. 1947) chooses
to omit the slurred upfigures used in his accompaniment
to Aeroplane. See notes below. |
Dove sung by Barenggwa with Murrbuda (didjeridu); (b)
East Wind sung by Bugwanda with Bayema (didjeridu); (c)
Caterpillar sung by Budjura (Angurugu, Groote Eylandt
1963) |
0:03:28 |
by: Murrbuda & Bayema. Track 11a: Believed to have created
parts of Groote Eylandt, the Ancestral Dove (darrawurukukwa)-who
could be one or manywas also a maker of string. In this
song by Barrenggwa (b. 1906), the reference to 'short
lengths of string' (see song words below) suggests a connection
with the north-eastern Arnhem Land myth about the morning
star (barnumbirr). Morning Star was attached to a string
and flown like a kite as far east as Burralku, the (Dhuwa)
Island of the Dead. Short, supplementary lengths of string
were joined to smaller replicas of the star allowing these
to shine at the same time over less distant clan territories
of the Dhuwa moiety. In this performance, Murrbuda's didjeridu
accompaniment appears to be imitating the cooing sounds
of a dove. Track 11b: The singer of East Wind (mamarika)
is Bugwanda (b. 1910). The song refers to the wind which
comes from a place in the east and covers the land with
dust. Each line in this song is sung twice. The singer's
rapid intakes of breath are clearly distinguishable and
the accompaniment of stick beating and didjeridu displays
the much-favoured composite rhythm of three-against-two.
Track 11c: Caterpillar (yinikarrbiyama) sung by Badjura
(b. 1904), eldest of the three senior singers, was judged
to be 'a tricky song'. This caterpillar, the 'hairy one
that stings', is associated with spears made from the
hibiscus tree. See notes below. |
Seven Sisters; (b) Shark sung by Malkarri with Bayema
(didjeridu) (Angurugu, Groote Eylandt 1963) |
0:01:58 |
by: Bayema. Track 12a: Malkarri (b. 1910) was one of the
singers CP Mountford recorded at Umbakumba, Groote Eylandt,
during the American-Australian Scientific Expedition to
Arnhem Land in 1948. According to the song's story, the
Seven Sisters (wurribirrimba) are rowing as these stars
(the Pleiades) move up in the sky. They leave a silvery
track behind them and make the east wind blow. Track 12b:
In Shark (bankwuja), an account is given of the smooth,
gliding movements of several sharks, their fins, their
teeth and their steering tails. A comparison of Malkarri's
Shark as he sang it in the 1960s with the earlier recording
by CP Mountford, mentioned above, reveals that while his
choice of song words tends to change from one performance
to the next, the Shark tune and its refrain have remained
constant. A reliable didjeridu accompanist, Bayema was
often in demand at this time by clan singers of both moieties.
See notes below. |
Words For Track 10d Aeroplane and 11a Dove spoken by Nabilya
(Angurugu, Groote Eylandt 1963) |
0:01:10 |
of the words for Aeroplane (Track 10d) and Dove (Track
11a) are here spoken by Nabilya in the Anindilyakwa language.
See notes below. |
The Groote
Eylandt clan songs (emeba) selected for these tracks belong
to seven of the fourteen clans in the region. The names of
the clans to which they belong are listed below according
to the two 'sides' or (unnamed) moieties:
1 Songs
Wind 'side') Clans
2 Songs
Wind 'side') Clans
Wind |
Warnungwadarrbulangwa |
Wind |
Warnindilyakwa |
Warnungwadarrbulangwa |
Warnungwadarrbulangwa |
Stingray |
Warnungwamadada |
Caterpillar |
Warnungwamakwula |
Curlew |
Warnungwamadada |
Sisters |
Warnungwamakwula |
Shark |
Warnungwamakwula |
Eagle |
Warnungawerrikba |
Dove |
Warungwamakarjirrakba |
Night |
Warnungawerrikba |
Aeroplane |
Wurraliliyanga |
about Aeroplane and Boat (mijiyanga) are shared by several
Moiety 2 clans. These include the Warnungangurrkwurrikba,
also called Durila or Durilyi, whose territory is on the north-eastern
mainland near Caledon Bay and on Woodah Island.