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Stop the Jabiluka Uranium Mine

Didjeridu & Traditional Music of the Top End
The content of this page was originally created by Peter Lister

Didjeridu Home : Makassans : Hati Marege

stern signage

Hati Marege, meaning "Heart of Arnhem Land" is a replica of a typical
19th century Makassan perahu padewakang.

perahu @ NT Museum

It was built traditionally without any metal fastenings by the Kanjo boatbuilders of Tana Baru on the southeastern part of Sulawesi, Indonesia for the Australian Bicentennial celebrations in 1988, and was sailed to Darwin by a crew of 13.


see the anchor @ the bow ?
and the cooking box and cabin ?

Hull dimensions
14.25 metres
1.43 metres
4.28 metres

Other interesting stuff (botanical names are italicised, macassarese names are bolded);

It has 12 main ribs, kilu, and a navel, poci. Is fitted with twin rudders, guling, which are made from Intsia bijuga, kayu bayang. The tilled rectangular mainsail, sombala tanja is supported by a bamboo tripod mast, palajarina. The bilge pump is also constructed of bamboo!. The wooden anchor, balangu* is weighted with stone. On deck you can see the wooden fire box, dapur, used for cooking.

The keel, kalebiseang, is Borneo ironwood, Eusideroxylon zwageri called kayo bado or kayo sappu. Vitex gofassus, kayu kantondeng, or V. pubescens, kayu nanasa form the hull planks below the waterline, the stern, sternpost and lower top sides of the hull. Teak, Tectona grandis, kayu jati (which naturally occurs from India to Laos was introduced to Indonesia 400-600 yrs ago where it is now naturalised) and Calophyllum inophyllum, Borneo mahaogany or beauty leaf, kayu pude form the upper hull planking and deck beams.

Rigging is rattan, coir fibre, hemp fibre and Arenga pinnata (a palm, also used in alcohol manufacture) fibre (ijok).

The waterproof cabin is coconut thatch and bamboo.

* This macassarese word is also used by yolngu. Similarly, the yolngu words, dhomala (sail) and goli (rudder) are macassarese in origin; sombala and guling respectively.

that beautiful stern script again



Copyright 2002-2006 J.H. Burrows and Peter Lister