Invasion Day didj....
Well here it is
- for the viewing and listening pleasure of those with a passion
for traditional instruments. I picked this up yesterday (26th
Jan) after having tormented myself with the thought of buying
it for the last 2 months. Very typical instrument from the
region (thin-walled yellow box: absolutely no idea what species
of Euc that is - nice taper) but has been heavily patched
with epoxy which really put me off originally.
bugger with gorgeous stick |
I look pleased with meself or what ! |
is my usual professional work attire in my place of
Maker: seems
to be made by Gurrawawuy.
Although I called the original suppliers in Yirrkala
and they confirmed this, but the bloke I spoke to didn't know
him. Knows a Garrawiny and a Gurrawa - but there's a lot of
yidaki makers at Dhalinbuy
Country: Dhalinbuy which is inland northeast
Arnhem Land.
Length: 1360 mm ( 4' 5 1/4")
Internal diam. proximal end: about 37 X 30 mm (1 3/8
X 1 1/8")
Internal diam, distal end: 65 X 53 mm (2 5/8 X 2 1/16
Key: E
ahh, the
bore - totally unworked - here's this distal end...
and the exterior similarly has not been touched - just
the bark removed and a bit of a rough rasp near the
Well I've had a
few probs getting a clear recording - dunno what the problem
is. The original recordings are perfectly clear on the minidisc,
but when I transfer them to the computer for editing I get
distortion and background hiss. My apologies. I've fiddled
with one of them and it's not bad, but the file size is huge.
At least it will give some idea of what it sounds like.
It can be heard
live if you dial 0011 61 245 782 152 : ) - (don't forget the
time difference).
Ugly bugger blows
a note - djatpa.mp3 - 146
k. Same piece but better quality djatpa2.mp3
- 138 k.
Ugly bugger blows
another and doesn't want to stop.....
- 188 k
- 159 k
- 283 k - ya can hear my breaths on this one.
- 269 k