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May 11, 2006

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* Recordings by Australian Indigenous Artists 1899-1998 [PDF Format]
* Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS)
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Stop the Jabiluka Uranium Mine

Crow Fire Music
Waak Waak Jungi
Label Information:
Larrikin: LRF487
Media Type:

Waak Waak Jungi is the story of the intensive living together of two Arnhemland traditional songmen and members of the tiny rural community of Christmas Hills near Melbourne (Vic) over the past four years.

This recording is an account of the process we went through; there are traditional songs sung traditionally - reconstructions of 'lost' songs in the now extinct Woiwurrung language of the Melbourne and Yarra people and there are intensive rave songs - specifically recorded as performance pieces. Jimmy described this process as 'sharing the culture'. After an initial introduction (this took some years!) it became possible to 'care' sufficiently - that is to comprehend, hear, respond, respect - to play together.

Track Number Track Title Track Time Notes
Rainbow Serpent (Yirritcha - Yirritja moiety) 0:01:22 Songman: Bobby Bunnunggurr, Didjeridu: Jimmy Djamunba. Traditional song owned by the Malibhr clan. Equivalent to the Black Crow song. Sung to send the dark spirits back to the earth after crushing the bones of the deceased and placing them in a hollow log.
Black Crow or Djurilli (Dhuwa moiety) 0:00:45 Songman: Bobby Bunnunggurr, Didjeridu: Jimmy Djamunba. Traditional song owned by the Marangu clan. Equivalent to the 'Rainbow Serpent'. When you hear at night the Waak, Waak, Waak. Black crows at night That means hollow logs Being burnt out by fire They're also dancing for that hollow log.
Jumbucco (Yirritcha - Yirritja moiety) 0:01:15 Bobby Bunnunggurr and Jimmy Djamunba. Means tobacco, smoking. Traditional song owned by Malibhr clan. It deals with the subject of sharing, exchanging and asking for something from another
Devil Song (Dhuwa moiety) 0:00:48 Songman: Jimmy Djamunba, Didjeridu: Bobby Bunnunggurr. Traditional song owned by the Marangu clan.
White Cockatoo or Min Min (Yirritcha - Yirritja moiety) 0:01:32 Songman: Bobby Bunnunggurr, Didjeridu: Jimmy Djamunba. Represents a symbol of the shared mother for both of the songmen.

Copyright 2002-2006 J.H. Burrows and Peter Lister