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Arnhem Land Music
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Database was last updated on:
May 11, 2006

Other Links:
* iDIDJ: Australian Didjeridu Information and Cultural Resource Centre
* Djalu Gurruwiwi's Website - Rripangu Yirdaki
* Yidakiwuy Dhawu Miwatjngurunydja
* Recordings by Australian Indigenous Artists 1899-1998 [PDF Format]
* Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS)
* Buku-Larrnggay Mulka Centre
* Skinnyfish Music
* Black Mujik
* Yothu Yindi
* White Cockatoo Performing Group
* Yirdaki Making With Djalu Gurruwiwi
* Garma Festival of Traditional Culture
* Aboriginal Studies WWW Virtual Library
* Center For World Indigenous Studies
* More Links...

Stop the Jabiluka Uranium Mine

Singing Up The Country: Traditional and Contemporary Songs from the Kimberleys, Western Australia
Various Artists
Label Information:
Garnduwa Amboorny Wirnan Aboriginal Corporation: JCK92CD1
Media Type:
Difficult to locate. Possibly out of print

Artist/ Collector Track Number Track Title Track Time Notes
Warrmarn Community
Corroboree Celebration Dance 0:01:26 Didjeridu by Gordon Barney. This is a traditional corroboree song from Warrmarn Community performed by Big Joe Thomas, Patrick Mung, Hector Djandulu, and Paddy Williams.
Warrmarn Community
Wurra Wurra (Mermaid) 0:00:34 A traditional song from Peggy Patrick, Queenie MacKenzie, Mabell Julie, Dottie Wapy of the Warrmarn Community.
Warrmarn Community
Kangaroo Dreaming 0:01:17 A traditional dance song from Warrmarn Community sung by Hector Djandulu, Paddy Williams, Patrick Mung, Queenie MacKenzie, Peggy Patrick and Violet Weenie.
Warrmarn Community
Corroboree Song: Father to Elders 0:01:24 Didjeridu by: Gordon Barney, Lead Songman and Sticks: Paddy Williams. Hector Djandulu backup singing and sticks; Patrick Mung backup singing and claps. This song is from an Aboriginal Law Time corroboree before the initiation of young boys into manhood, when they leave their mother. It gives the father's perspective: he is pleased the Elders have called his son to "taken bush" in preparation for manhood.
Warrmarn Community
Wunga 0:00:48 A women's "rock'n'roll" song recorded on the verandah at Kalumburu by Dolly Cheinmora, Mary Pendulo and Peter Nyalerin (on didjeridu?)
Warrmarn Community
Didjeridoo 0:00:55 Didjeridu by: Polly Widalji
Warrmarn Community
Didjeridoo 0:01:02 Track isn't listed in album notes. Sounds as if it is another didjeridu solo by Polly Widalji as in Track 26.

Copyright 2002-2006 J.H. Burrows and Peter Lister