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Stop the Jabiluka Uranium Mine

Contemporary Masters Series Volume 4: Mamba
Ralkurru Marika
Label Information:
Yothu Yindi Foundation
Media Type:
Skinnyfish Music
This album is dedicated to all brothers and sisters who have gone to the spirit world.

Track Number Track Title Track Time Notes
Ocean Sounds 0:00:23 Didjeridu by: Malngay and Narripapa Yunupingu. All tracks are from the Rirratjingu Clan of Northeastern Arnhem Land
Mamba (sandcrab) 0:03:08 Didjeridu by: Malngay and Narripapa Yunupingu. All tracks are from the Rirratjingu Clan of Northeastern Arnhem Land. Mamba is the little sand crab. In this song the seagull is trying to catch the sand crab. The seagull is flying on the breeze and the bird dives down to catch the crab. I wrote the song.
Ocean Sounds 0:00:22 Didjeridu by: Malngay and Narripapa Yunupingu. All tracks are from the Rirratjingu Clan of Northeastern Arnhem Land
Wuyal (sugarbag Man) 0:00:52 Didjeridu by: Malngay and Narripapa Yunupingu. All tracks are from the Rirratjingu Clan of Northeastern Arnhem Land. That's written by me. Wuyal, the sugarbag man was going along through the bush looking for sugarbag (wild honey) in the trees. He was following the bees. He was looking for water. As he sees the water he dances for that waterhole.
Ocean Sounds 0:00:23 Didjeridu by: Malngay and Narripapa Yunupingu. All tracks are from the Rirratjingu Clan of Northeastern Arnhem Land
Yinydjapana (dolphin) 1 Expecting a Baby 0:00:50 Didjeridu by: Malngay and Narripapa Yunupingu. All tracks are from the Rirratjingu Clan of Northeastern Arnhem Land. Yinydjapana the dolphin is swimming in the water. She's expecting a baby.
Ocean Sounds 0:00:22 Didjeridu by: Malngay and Narripapa Yunupingu. All tracks are from the Rirratjingu Clan of Northeastern Arnhem Land
Yinydjapana (dolphin) 2 Mother And Father Pass Baby Back And Forth 0:00:52 Didjeridu by: Malngay and Narripapa Yunupingu. All tracks are from the Rirratjingu Clan of Northeastern Arnhem Land. The dolphin baby arrives. The mother and father swim together. The mother flips the baby to the father, chucks it, tosses it with her flipper and he chucks it back to the mother. They do that backwards and forwards.
Ocean Sounds 0:00:22 Didjeridu by: Malngay and Narripapa Yunupingu. All tracks are from the Rirratjingu Clan of Northeastern Arnhem Land
Yinydjapana (dolphin) 3 Coming in From the Ocean Toward the Short 0:00:59 Didjeridu by: Malngay and Narripapa Yunupingu. All tracks are from the Rirratjingu Clan of Northeastern Arnhem Land. The dolphin is coming in from the ocean toward the shore.
Ocean Sounds 0:00:22 Didjeridu by: Malngay and Narripapa Yunupingu. All tracks are from the Rirratjingu Clan of Northeastern Arnhem Land
Yinydjapana (dolphin) 4 Young Dolphin Injured on the Shore 0:01:25 Didjeridu by: Malngay and Narripapa Yunupingu. All tracks are from the Rirratjingu Clan of Northeastern Arnhem Land. This young dolphin had been hit by a rock, it was chasing some fish and it swam into the rocks and it was injured and lying on the beach. I was going fishing and I saw the dolphin. It was still alive. I was crying for it. I pushed it back into the water and I made this song for it.
Ocean Sounds 0:00:22 Didjeridu by: Malngay and Narripapa Yunupingu. All tracks are from the Rirratjingu Clan of Northeastern Arnhem Land
Nadinynga (waterhole) 0:00:47 Didjeridu by: Malngay and Narripapa Yunupingu. All tracks are from the Rirratjingu Clan of Northeastern Arnhem Land. The hunter is coming through the bushes and the mountains looking for a waterhole, nadinyga. I learnt this song when I was a youngster.
Ocean Sounds 0:00:23 Didjeridu by: Malngay and Narripapa Yunupingu. All tracks are from the Rirratjingu Clan of Northeastern Arnhem Land
Gudurrku (brolga) 0:02:50 Didjeridu by: Malngay and Narripapa Yunupingu. All tracks are from the Rirratjingu Clan of Northeastern Arnhem Land. Gudurrku the brolga is walking around the lagoon and eating some witchetty grubs and all sorts of insects. It's talking to the land and talking to the sun while the sun is shining down on its back and it's dancing, jumping two, three, four times. My brother Dharritharri wrote this. It's a traditional Rirratjingu song.
Ocean Sounds 0:00:22 Didjeridu by: Malngay and Narripapa Yunupingu. All tracks are from the Rirratjingu Clan of Northeastern Arnhem Land
Galkarringu (crow) 0:00:25 Didjeridu by: Malngay and Narripapa Yunupingu. All tracks are from the Rirratjingu Clan of Northeastern Arnhem Land. Galkarringu the crow is diving out of the tree picking up the scraps left by Wuyal the sugarbag hunter.
Ocean Sounds 0:00:23 Didjeridu by: Malngay and Narripapa Yunupingu. All tracks are from the Rirratjingu Clan of Northeastern Arnhem Land
Gurrumattji (magpie Geese) 0:00:22 Didjeridu by: Malngay and Narripapa Yunupingu. All tracks are from the Rirratjingu Clan of Northeastern Arnhem Land. In the lagoon, gurrumattji, magpie geese are talking and eating rakay, the lily roots, digging down under and picking out the corms and eating them.
Ocean Sounds 0:00:22 Didjeridu by: Malngay and Narripapa Yunupingu. All tracks are from the Rirratjingu Clan of Northeastern Arnhem Land
Nowulpul (ghost Bat) 0:00:26 Didjeridu by: Malngay and Narripapa Yunupingu. All tracks are from the Rirratjingu Clan of Northeastern Arnhem Land. Nowulpul, the ghost bats are trying to attract the spirit man. The spirit man is coming in from the darkness, same as the bat.
Ocean Sounds 0:00:22 Didjeridu by: Malngay and Narripapa Yunupingu. All tracks are from the Rirratjingu Clan of Northeastern Arnhem Land
Dhambul (morning Star) 0:00:37 Didjeridu by: Malngay and Narripapa Yunupingu. All tracks are from the Rirratjingu Clan of Northeastern Arnhem Land. This is the making of dhambul, the morning star pole, people singing and dancing, big ceremony, a funeral ceremony. The spirit man is dancing for the morning star.
Ocean Sounds 0:00:22 Didjeridu by: Malngay and Narripapa Yunupingu. All tracks are from the Rirratjingu Clan of Northeastern Arnhem Land
Nganuk (spirit Man) 0:00:54 Didjeridu by: Malngay and Narripapa Yunupingu. All tracks are from the Rirratjingu Clan of Northeastern Arnhem Land. A nganuk, a spirit man is coming back from the bushes after collecting all sorts of fruits. He's singing about all the Yirritja clans like the Gumatj and the Dhalwangu people, singing of where they come from, and singing about the Mitchell Ranges.
Ocean Sounds 0:00:22 Didjeridu by: Malngay and Narripapa Yunupingu. All tracks are from the Rirratjingu Clan of Northeastern Arnhem Land
Gamadala (red Kangaroo) 1 Kangaroo Standing in the Mitchell Ranges 0:01:22 Didjeridu by: Malngay and Narripapa Yunupingu. All tracks are from the Rirratjingu Clan of Northeastern Arnhem Land. The red kangaroo is in the Mitchell Ranges. He's standing, shooting off the flies and twitching and eating.
Ocean Sounds 0:00:22 Didjeridu by: Malngay and Narripapa Yunupingu. All tracks are from the Rirratjingu Clan of Northeastern Arnhem Land
Gamadala (red Kangaroo) 2 Eating the Meat of the Red Kangaroo 0:01:18 Didjeridu by: Malngay and Narripapa Yunupingu. All tracks are from the Rirratjingu Clan of Northeastern Arnhem Land. This is the eating of the meat of the red kangaroo. The hunter spears it and this is about eating that kangaroo, eating the blood and the meat, this is from long back, eating of the raw meat.
Ocean Sounds 0:00:22 Didjeridu by: Malngay and Narripapa Yunupingu. All tracks are from the Rirratjingu Clan of Northeastern Arnhem Land
Gamadala (red Kangaroo) 3 People Are Sharing And Eating the Meat 0:00:52 Didjeridu by: Malngay and Narripapa Yunupingu. All tracks are from the Rirratjingu Clan of Northeastern Arnhem Land. The people are sharing and eating the meat of the red kangaroo.
Ocean Sounds 0:00:22 Didjeridu by: Malngay and Narripapa Yunupingu. All tracks are from the Rirratjingu Clan of Northeastern Arnhem Land
Ganambawurru (ocean) 1 Rising Up From the Wind And Waves Coming in From the Big Rain 0:00:46 Didjeridu by: Malngay and Narripapa Yunupingu. All tracks are from the Rirratjingu Clan of Northeastern Arnhem Land. The ocean is rising up from the wind, waves coming in from the big rain, the sounds of the waves hitting the granite rock standing in the middle of the sea. The spirit man was a warrior who turned into stone in the sea between Yirrkala and Dhambaliya.
Ocean Sounds 0:00:22 Didjeridu by: Malngay and Narripapa Yunupingu. All tracks are from the Rirratjingu Clan of Northeastern Arnhem Land
Ganambawurru (ocean) 2 Water is Calm 0:00:56 Didjeridu by: Malngay and Narripapa Yunupingu. All tracks are from the Rirratjingu Clan of Northeastern Arnhem Land. The water is calm, just breathing.
Ocean Sounds 0:00:22 Didjeridu by: Malngay and Narripapa Yunupingu. All tracks are from the Rirratjingu Clan of Northeastern Arnhem Land
Ganambawurru (ocean) 3 Big Winds Make Seas Crash on the Shore By Yirrkala 0:00:53 Didjeridu by: Malngay and Narripapa Yunupingu. All tracks are from the Rirratjingu Clan of Northeastern Arnhem Land. With bigger winds behind them, higher seas are crashing on to Rangi, the beach below our community at Yirrkala.
Ocean Sounds 0:00:22 Didjeridu by: Malngay and Narripapa Yunupingu. All tracks are from the Rirratjingu Clan of Northeastern Arnhem Land
Milika (butterfish) 0:00:25 Didjeridu by: Malngay and Narripapa Yunupingu. All tracks are from the Rirratjingu Clan of Northeastern Arnhem Land. Butterfish are swimming between the rocks in the shallow waters, going fast, back and forth. We're hunting the flat fish with spears but they're too fast to catch.
Ocean Sounds 0:00:23 Didjeridu by: Malngay and Narripapa Yunupingu. All tracks are from the Rirratjingu Clan of Northeastern Arnhem Land
Malpinymalpiny (ancestral Sisters) the Two Wawilak Sisters Are Dancing in a Sacred Hut 0:01:05 Didjeridu by: Malngay and Narripapa Yunupingu. All tracks are from the Rirratjingu Clan of Northeastern Arnhem Land. The two Wawilak sisters of the creation times are dancing in a sacred hut. They've been creating land and people and animals and languages and now they're dancing to celebrate.
Ocean Sounds 0:00:21 Didjeridu by: Malngay and Narripapa Yunupingu. All tracks are from the Rirratjingu Clan of Northeastern Arnhem Land
Wuyal (sugarbag Man) 0:01:27 Didjeridu by: Malngay and Narripapa Yunupingu. All tracks are from the Rirratjingu Clan of Northeastern Arnhem Land
Ocean Sounds 0:00:22 Didjeridu by: Malngay and Narripapa Yunupingu. All tracks are from the Rirratjingu Clan of Northeastern Arnhem Land
Mamba (sandcrab) 0:03:10 Didjeridu by: Malngay and Narripapa Yunupingu. All tracks are from the Rirratjingu Clan of Northeastern Arnhem Land
Ocean Sounds 0:00:25 Didjeridu by: Malngay and Narripapa Yunupingu. All tracks are from the Rirratjingu Clan of Northeastern Arnhem Land

Copyright 2002-2006 J.H. Burrows and Peter Lister