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May 11, 2006

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* iDIDJ: Australian Didjeridu Information and Cultural Resource Centre
* Djalu Gurruwiwi's Website - Rripangu Yirdaki
* Yidakiwuy Dhawu Miwatjngurunydja
* Recordings by Australian Indigenous Artists 1899-1998 [PDF Format]
* Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS)
* Buku-Larrnggay Mulka Centre
* Skinnyfish Music
* Black Mujik
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* White Cockatoo Performing Group
* Yirdaki Making With Djalu Gurruwiwi
* Garma Festival of Traditional Culture
* Aboriginal Studies WWW Virtual Library
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Stop the Jabiluka Uranium Mine

Didjeridu Master
David Blanasi
Label Information:
Big Bang Records
Media Type:

Track Number Track Title Track Time Notes
Gorro Gorro (The Kookaburra) 0:01:54 Didjeridu solo.
White Cockatoo 0:05:13 Songmen: David Yirindili and Jackie Nawilil. A white cockatoo is sitting in a tree. It calls for its friends. 'Might be they all answer then they all get together.'
Waking Up Song And Worry Song 0:02:06 Songmen: David Yirindili and Jackie Nawilil. 'Come on Wake up! We're going to go! might be somebody is missing!'
Bidgurdurr (The Willy Willy - Whirlwind) 0:02:17 Songmen: David Yirindili and Jackie Nawilil. The willy willy. A whirwind. 'Its got to be a spirit.'
Bidgurdurr II (The Willy Willy - Whirlwind) 0:02:41 Songmen: David Yirindili and Jackie Nawilil. 'Now the willy willy gets bigger and bigger and goes faster! Now it goes up like a big smoke from a fire burning.'
The Big Shadow. The Spirit (White Cockatoo Part B) 0:01:41 Songmen: David Yirindili and Jackie Nawilil. Sung in the 'Kunwork' language. Now the white cockatoo has flown back to its own country, but upon its return it can find no one there. 'Him spirit now, big shadow, 'wurral'. When you die your spirit must return to the country where you were born.'
Kunkurra (A Big Wind) 0:02:31 Songmen: David Yirindili and Jackie Nawilil. Big wind. 'A big strong wind blows. The leaves break off from the trees.
Big Storm 0:02:25 Songmen: David Yirindili and Jackie Nawilil. 'Lightning flashes, there is wind and rain, and listen to the thunder.'
Worry Song I (White Cockatoo Part C) 0:03:16 Songmen: David Yirindili and Jackie Nawilil. 'They find a drawing of the white cockatoo is a cave but they can't find him anymore because he is gone and they worry about him.'
Worry Song II (White Cockatoo Part D) 0:01:31 Songmen: David Yirindili and Jackie Nawilil. 'Him spirit now and him gone this world. Before him proper human being, now him spirit.'
Dingo Lonely For Its Mate 0:01:07 Didjeridu solo.
Gurrubeh (In the Miaili language) Short Argument Song 0:03:17 Songmen: David Yirindili and Jackie Nawilil. Here tow brothers are arguing. 'You make the song, I'm going home! See you later!'
Wurrarl I (Spirit) 0:02:04 Songmen: David Yirindili and Jackie Nawilil. 'This spirit like devil devil! This one can frighten you!'
Wurrarl II (Spirit) 0:02:23 Songmen: David Yirindili and Jackie Nawilil. 'When it is really dark and you get a fright, it might be a wurrarl coming up! A spirit!'
The Brolga 0:00:59 Didjeridu solo.
Manngalinj (Bush Potato) 0:02:33 Songmen: David Yirindili and Jackie Nawilil. 'The bush yam is good tucker for everyone, human beings and animals.'
Two Days Sleep 0:02:56 Songmen: David Yirindili and Jackie Nawilil. 'Two days sleep, and I might sleep one more day as well!'

Copyright 2002-2006 J.H. Burrows and Peter Lister