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Traditional Aboriginal
Arnhem Land Music
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Database was last updated on:
May 11, 2006

Other Links:
* iDIDJ: Australian Didjeridu Information and Cultural Resource Centre
* Djalu Gurruwiwi's Website - Rripangu Yirdaki
* Yidakiwuy Dhawu Miwatjngurunydja
* Recordings by Australian Indigenous Artists 1899-1998 [PDF Format]
* Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS)
* Buku-Larrnggay Mulka Centre
* Skinnyfish Music
* Black Mujik
* Yothu Yindi
* White Cockatoo Performing Group
* Yirdaki Making With Djalu Gurruwiwi
* Garma Festival of Traditional Culture
* Aboriginal Studies WWW Virtual Library
* Center For World Indigenous Studies
* More Links...

Stop the Jabiluka Uranium Mine

Australian Aborigines / Aborigenes d'Australie
Wolfgang Laade
Label Information:
DOM Albatros: CD DAF 107
Media Type:

Track Number Track Title Track Time Notes
Shelatan Djadbangari Dance Song 0:01:22 CD is mostly selections of Laade's Cape York recordings. Arnhem Land selections are same as those found on Australia: Songs of the Aborigines and Music of Papua, New Guinea.
Karidyeri Dance Song 0:01:06 CD is mostly selections of Laade's Cape York recordings. Arnhem Land selections are same as those found on Australia: Songs of the Aborigines and Music of Papua, New Guinea.
Bunggul Dance: Solo Didjeridu 0:01:29 CD is mostly selections of Laade's Cape York recordings. Arnhem Land selections are same as those found on Australia: Songs of the Aborigines and Music of Papua, New Guinea.
Bunggul Dance: Solo Didjeridu 0:01:36 CD is mostly selections of Laade's Cape York recordings. Arnhem Land selections are same as those found on Australia: Songs of the Aborigines and Music of Papua, New Guinea.
Djerag (Seagull) 0:01:02 CD is mostly selections of Laade's Cape York recordings. Arnhem Land selections are same as those found on Australia: Songs of the Aborigines and Music of Papua, New Guinea.
Gar (Spider) 0:01:01 CD is mostly selections of Laade's Cape York recordings. Arnhem Land selections are same as those found on Australia: Songs of the Aborigines and Music of Papua, New Guinea.
Gar (Spider) 0:00:56 CD is mostly selections of Laade's Cape York recordings. Arnhem Land selections are same as those found on Australia: Songs of the Aborigines and Music of Papua, New Guinea.

Copyright 2002-2006 J.H. Burrows and Peter Lister