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Traditional Aboriginal
Arnhem Land Music
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May 11, 2006

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* iDIDJ: Australian Didjeridu Information and Cultural Resource Centre
* Djalu Gurruwiwi's Website - Rripangu Yirdaki
* Yidakiwuy Dhawu Miwatjngurunydja
* Recordings by Australian Indigenous Artists 1899-1998 [PDF Format]
* Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS)
* Buku-Larrnggay Mulka Centre
* Skinnyfish Music
* Black Mujik
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* White Cockatoo Performing Group
* Yirdaki Making With Djalu Gurruwiwi
* Garma Festival of Traditional Culture
* Aboriginal Studies WWW Virtual Library
* Center For World Indigenous Studies
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Stop the Jabiluka Uranium Mine

Arnhem Land Vol II: Authentic Australian Aboriginal Songs and Dances
AP Elkin
Label Information:
His Master's Voice: OALP 7505
Media Type:
Out of print

Track Number Track Title Track Time Notes
Warranggan (SACRED)   A sacred ceremony performed near the general camp, mainly by the middle and upper Roper River tribes. SECRET
Men's Djarada Love Chants   The Djarada are "love" chants. The singing causes the desired person of the opposite sex to respond.
Women's Djarada Love Chants   The Djarada are "love" chants. The singing causes the desired person of the opposite sex to respond.
Mulara of Central Arnhem Land 0:05:39 The Mulara series of chants come from the tribes of north and central Arnhem Land. The chants, or "historical psalms," are sung during the final disposal o fthe bones of a deceased person by putting them in a painted totemic log or coffin.
Ngorungapa of Central Arnhem Land 0:02:04 Similar to the Mulara, but for Yirritja persons. The subjects are the "poison" bark tree which is used for stupefying fish, and the bush-plum.
Mulara of Northeast Arnhem Land 0:13:07 This Mulara is a series of chants centring on Buralko, the Home of the Dead for the Dua clans northeast Arnhem Land. This sample refers to the Morning Star, the Sea, and the Sawfish.
Waramiri of Northeast Arnhem Land 0:08:56 Northeastern Arnhem Land corroboree, named after the Waramiri clan who own it. It belongs to the Yirritja division of the tribes, and therefore can include non-Aboriginal subjects. This selection includes in order: Cloud, Gambling, Ground Wasp, Anvil, and the Mouth Organ.

Copyright 2002-2006 J.H. Burrows and Peter Lister