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Stop the Jabiluka Uranium Mine

Aboriginal Sound Instruments
Alice Moyle
Label Information:
Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies (AIAS/14)
Media Type:
Amazon.Com, AIATSIS

Track Number Track Title Track Time Notes
Boomerang clapsticks 0:00:50 Lombadina, W.A. 1968
Walukulangu 0:02:38 Three song items, boomerang clapsticks and voice, Yuendumu, N.T., 1967
Nyindi nyindi 0:01:16 One song item, boomerang clapsticks and voice, Broome, W.A., 1968
Nurlu (from Paddy Djaguwin's country) 0:01:27 Three song items, boomerang clapsticks and voice, Broome and Beagle Bay, W.A., 1968
Yarangindjirri 0:01:21 Two song items, boomerang clapsticks and voice, Roper River, N.T., 1963
Tjukutjuku and Old Man (children's songs) 0:01:03 Boomerang clapsticks and voice, Yuendumu, N.T., 1967
Galwangara 0:00:54 Two song items, boomerang clapsticks and voice, Borroloola, N.T., 1966
River Cod and Dingo 0:01:13 Two song items, boomerang clapsticks and voice, Mornington Island, Gulf of Carpentaria, Qld., 1966
Slow and Fast Wallaby 0:01:22 Boomerang clapsticks (stick-against-weapon) and voice, Aurukun, Qld., 1966
Dyabi 0:01:36 Two song items, voices and rasp, La Grange, W.A., 1968
Seed pod rattles and skin drum 0:01:26 Mitchell River, Qld., 1966
Dinghy 0:01:36 Voices with seed pod rattles, skin drum and stick-against-hollow log (tin substitute), Weipa, Qld., 1966
Didjeridu Solos 0:03:23 In order: A-type with mouth sounds. Didjeridu player is Dick (Majali) (didjeridu measured 175cm in length, distal diameter approximately 7.5cm, proximal diameter 3.5cm), Borroloola, N.T., 1966; B-type with mouth sounds. Didjeridu player is a woman, Jemima Wimalu (Mara group at Roper River), Borroloola, N.T., 1966; B-type with mouth sounds. Didjeridu player is Charlie Banaya (Enindilyaugwa). Groote Eylandt, 1964; A-type with voiced overtone. Didjeridu player is Harry Ferguson (Wogadj-Manda). Delissaville, N.T., 1968; A-type with mouth sounds. Didjeridu player is Major Raymond (Djamindjung), Kununurra, W.A., 1968
Possum, Mailplane, Brolga, Garrarda, Mamariga (South East Wind) 0:05:58 In order: Possum (voices, didjeridu and sticks). Didjeridu player is Mungayana (Nunggubuyu), songman is Rimili (Nunggubuyu). Rose River, N.T., 1964; Mailplane (voice, didjeridu and sticks). Didjeridu player is Magun (Nunggubuyu), songman is Mungayana (Nunggubuyu). Title refers to the take-off and noise of departure. Rose River, N.T., 1964; Brolga (voice, didjeridu and sticks). Didjeridu player is Magun (Nunggubuyu), songman is Rankin Nyamulu (outstanding Nunggubuyu Brolga singer) Rose River, N.T., 1964; Garrarda (voice, didjeridu and stick on board). Didjeridu player is Magun (Nunggubuyu), songman is Larrangana (Nunggubuyu). Rose River, N.T., 1964; South East Wind (voice, didjeridu and sticks, and stick on ground). Two different didjeridus are used in this song. The player suddenly stops, takes up another instrument which produces a tone of different pitch and continues. Player said he switched as the first instrument's mouthpiece didn't fit his mouth properly. Didjeridu player is Gula (Enindilyaugwa), songman is Malgarri (Enindilyaugwa). Groote Eylandt, 1964.
Wongga, Dingo Howls, Curlew, Brolga 0:03:56 In order: Wongga (voices, didjeridu and sticks). Didjeridu player is Raymond (Worora), songman is Arthur Toby Langgin (Wadjagin). Derby, W.A., 1968; Dingo Howls (didjeridu and sticks). Didjeridu player is Wally Ambalgari (Miriwung). Wyndham, W.A., 1968; Curlew (voice, didjeridu, sticks). Didjeridu player is Edward Warrbuku Nabanardi (Gunwinggu), songmen are Paddy Merrdjal and Neville Barandara (Gunwinggu) Oenpelli, N.T., 1963; Brolga (didjeridu). Didjeridu player is Garrmali (Gumatj), Yirrkala, N.T., 1963.
Balganya 0:02:55 Two song items, (voices, paired sticks, hand-against-lap). Songman is Wadi Ngyerdu (Worora). Derby W.A., 1968
Wintjinam (bamboo) whistle and interview 0:02:02 Songman is Sam Kilndan (Linngiti). Weipa, Qld., 1966
Fruit 0:01:38 Voices and large paired sticks. Songmen are Hindu and Rimili (Nunggubuyu). Groote Eylandt, 1964

Copyright 2002-2006 J.H. Burrows and Peter Lister